Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hello Mommy School - Our First Day!

My sister told me about a blogger who created Mommy School and we have kinda ran with it - personalizing it to our boys.

We had our first day of "school" today - it was completely unstructured catching little bits of time here and there to do what I had on our schedule.  We had a play date for the first half of the day with one of Jayden's classmates.  There were twin baby girls and Toby wanted to take one home!

This week we are focusing on Food!

We started the day reading a book, Max Goes To The Grocery Store - a pick off the library's kindergarten reading list.  Toby and Jayden took turns reading the pages and then we discussed what the book was about.  I was very proud of Jayden - he sat at the table through the whole book and participated in "reading".  Then Toby rated the book and colored in his reading chart - green for a good book and red for a not so good book.  Jayden "colored" his chart too - he wants to do everything himself and would not let me help him write his name or do anything, Mr. Independent.

After our play date we had lunch and then did a science experiment like Sid the Science Kid.  We made ice cream from scratch!

I was very impressed with Toby - even though this took about 25 to 30 minutes he stuck in there and we talked about what was happening to the ice and the salt and how it was making the milk mixture freeze.  Toby was able to figure this out himself!  Jay had a bathroom incident in the middle of ice cream making, Toby continued with making the ice cream while Mommy helped clean up Jay - we didn't worry about a shirt for Jay when we had ice cream waiting for us!

After we enjoyed the ice cream we filled in our science journal

While Jay napped Toby did pages in his Summer Bridge Workbook.

After Daddy got home we had dinner and then headed out to the carnival.  It is so funny to see my two little guy's personalities.  Toby can be very shy at times.  I think strangers and crowds bring that out in him.  He was very content to hold our hands and walk around.  He only wanted to go on one ride and gave his tickets to Jayden who got on three rides.  Jay was super excited - not shy at all!  He would have ran from ride to ride if we let him.  He was happy to participate in the rides and the games. Toby liked the games too.


 Today was a great day!

Another great day was last Wednesday when my little Toby graduated from Preschool...he is now a Kindergartener!  I have a smart little cookie here who is ready and eager to learn - I am such a proud momma!