Saturday, March 3, 2012

Homemade Detergents

I recently have been cutting costs to try to move the remodel along...unfortunately hubby's truck has absorbed our savings this month (and probably next)...ugh!  Tires and other maintenance stuff...

I started making my own household detergents: Laundry, Dishwasher and Dish detergents.

The Laundry Soap was the biggest pain but the payoff has been nice as I am two thirds of the way through the batch I made a month or more ago.  It works fine - just like any other detergent.  The only difference is there is no scent.  When I make my next batch I am going to incorporate some essential oils.  The texture is pretty watery with lumps of gel - this is normal.  I have a high efficiency machine and have had no problems.

The Dishwashing Liquid was not as time consuming as the Laundry Soap and has a great consistency.  The Octagon Soap used in the recipe has a nice scent but I added grapefruit essential oil too and the results are great!  Things (including my hands) definitely get and feel very clean with this soap but it does not make a good lather.  The cleaning effect is wonderful so no biggie.

The Dish Washer Detergent is SUPER easy to make and I feel like I've saved a bunch here.  Since I have a stockpile of Borax and Arm and Hammer Super Washing Detergent all I have to buy each week is 2-4 packets of Lemonade Kool-Aid which is super cheap compared to the 1-2 bottles of detergent I was used to buy.  The dishes are clean but I do use more than the recipe site suggests.  The bleaching effect is no where near as great as it was with my store bought detergent but that hasn't been a big deal.

This month's grocery budget was blown...hubby had to go to the store when we were sick and then we had a $200 family trip to Saubel's...better luck in March!

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