Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How does your garden grow?

In March the boys planted seeds in these "greenhouse" containers.  These little babies are growing!

Lettuce and Spinach are doing the best!


My labels for these guys were washed away...I am thinking the first one is a cherry-like tomato

 There was also one greenhouse that did not!

 On another is my grocery budget for March. 

March, week 1 - $65.13
March, week 2 -$131.67
March, week 3 - $86.49
March, week 4 - $71.80

average = $88.77

Maybe my original budget was too high.  MoneySaving Mom says a realistic goal is $20 per person per week so that makes $80/week - I am slightly higher than that...we'll try again next month!

I used my savings to supplement my work wardrobe - thanks to ebay and thrift store finds I will have a new spring in my step! I also found an awesome homemade recipe for shoe polish - one part lemon juice and two parts olive oil works like a charm.

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