Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer Update - lots o' pics

What a busy and exciting summer it has been!

So much is going on with our family.  Things got even crazier once school let out - my daydreamy summer filled with lazing around reading books, crafting, playing outside... is flying by and it much more action packed than I anticipated.  On top of everything I am a crazy lady studying for yet another license...

Mommy school has sorta continued - we took a break last week when we were in OC. 

We cut pics out of the grocery store add and sorted them by category: fruit or vegetable since the boys tend to have trouble identifying these.  Toby was able to stay engaged through the majority of the activity and practiced using scissors - Jayden had a difficult time with this and he is a bit scary with the scissors...

Then we made a solar oven for our science experiment and had peach cobbler - the boys enjoyed this!  That is the solar oven below on the picnic table...

We also had time to enjoy nature.  One of hubby's co-workers has her own private oasis on Deer Creek.  We had such fun.  Toby and Daddy enjoyed exploring and Jayden enjoyed climbing up and down the stairs, throwing rocks and getting really wet and muddy!

 We also threw a bridal shower for my cousin, Chrissy.  Isn't she beautiful? Oops...I think I am supposed to give this pics to some people...just uploaded and will try to email this week!

Remodeling is still going on - got my new counter tops in unfortunately there are some issues at the seams and the counter top people are picking them up to be fixed Thursday.  Kitchen cabinets are supposed to be in Friday.  I also ordered my dream oven the Samsung Flex Duo!  And today ordered the new window for over the sink.  My flooring installer is supposed to come over so we can look at samples sometime after the 4th.  I am seriously dreading the painting but hopefully it won't take long to knock out.  Still have to pick a wall color...

Gotta include some OC pics:
The boys loved the elevator and even took turns pushing the buttons.

Toby's favorite part of the boardwalk was the games.

Jayden liked the rides best and even scored a free one on the fire engine.

 lovin' the rope swing!

Daddy finally got the kite up in OC - but not for long!  Toby did a really good job and was very patient - Jay not so much.

beach buddies

We also took the boys bowling - we were the only ones at the alley!  They did a great job for the most part and stayed interest for about 3/4 of the game...we will be doing this again!

We also went to Frontier Town and visited their gift shop and arcade.  Daddy set up the camera for a family pic! The boys were VERY leary of this shark.  We even tried to bribe them with a toy to get them to sit inside his mouth - no way!

 We even enjoyed the beach in the evening - playing with the fort/castle Uncle Joe built earlier...but the boys couldn't stay out of the water.  This was the day Toby finally enjoyed playing in the ocean surf!  It was very neat seeing him conquer his fear and then actually have fun doing what he was afraid of a few days earlier...


We even had time to be lazy!

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