Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Blessed Day

Day 3 was supposed to be washer and dryer delivery day but Home Depot doesn't deliver to our new zip code on Thursdays so the washer and dryer are coming tomorrow.  Other than that we are right on track with everything.  Our main goal was to finish up painting so it wouldn't interfere with the carpet install (today was day 1 of installation and tomorrow it will be finished).

My day started out early (left the house around 6:30, Hubby had to meet the pool table moving people so he watched the kids until Mom came).  I went to Walmart and got contact paper to line the cabinets and a few other things we needed including some goodies for the guys.  While I was in the quick check out line I was chatting with a lady about the goodies in my cart and how I was making the guys chicken potpie for lunch (yummy!) and while I was leaving she said to have a blessed day.  Boy was it!

It was a day of opportunities.  After the unfortunate news that our planned "addition" could not easily happen I had an epiphany on the drive from Walmart to the house about how we could accomplish our goals of having a bigger family room.  I figured out how we could do it and my father in-law thought it was a brilliant idea.  When Hubby arrived he was not as excited but later in the day tweaked my plan to make it truly brilliant and a lot less expensive!  The kicker is I get my new kitchen too!  Stay tuned this spring (fingers crossed)...

Another blessing was having enough carpet left over to carpet the small area between the playroom and kitchen!  The warehouse the carpet guy uses was busy and instead of cutting the amount we needed off the roll they gave him the whole roll!  It is going to be the same carpet as in the bedrooms but who carpet that I didn't have to pay any extra for.  He laid the carpet in the playroom, office and has it ready to lay in the master bed room and one of the boys rooms.

Office & Playroom

 Master Bedroom & Boys room

 Hall area that will get the free carpet!  The doorway where the tool boxes are will be blocked off for demolition.

Also, I believe I overheard talk that the roof can wait until the spring!  Very happy about that winter roofs are no good.  The blessing kept rolling all day.

I met a neighbor!  He works at the Ace Hardware where we bought the paint.  He and his wife may stop by after we are all moved in to take a look at the carpet because they need some too!

I also found another house like ours on a different nearby road - this one had the center front door too.  They had the breezeway clubbed in as well and in the same sort of fashion as the other house (the cosmetics were different).  Seriously thinking about knocking on some doors bearing Christmas goodies for a glimpse at their interiors to see what the house originally looked like.  We think our home's previous owners added a wall because it is completely out of square and makes for an awkward entrance.

To wrap things up...we painted the other boys room The Big Chill (color)...well we painted what we could.

Hopefully tomorrow I will get most of my kitchen unpacked (including lining the cabinets) and get to that hall and stairway carpet (it is one of the only things in the house that still smells like dog).

Special thanks to father in-law, AJ and Mom for watching those boys!

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