Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Not quite what I expected...

This was supposed to be today's agenda:

 Day 2: Pool Table Day

Pool Table is being moved (one solid piece of slate)
Carpet man coming to measure rooms
Paint ceilings
Paint playroom, bedrooms, office

Apparently no one told Mother Nature this.  Throughout last night to mid-day today we got a ton of rain dumped on us (mud, mud, mud).  Day 2 was all about painting.  The pool table was not moved because of the rain...they are trying again tomorrow.

Carpet man arrived and measured the rooms and a few hours later dropped off the carpet and pad.  Unfortunately the carpet we selected for 4 of the 5 rooms was discontinued!  We had to get a lighter color...scary with the boys but I really didn't want brown carpet so tan/off white it is  (aka Almond Bark or Basketweave).  Luckily the price was within very close to our original quote.  Installation is set for Thursday and Friday.

Father in-law painted all the ceilings while my Mom cleaned like a freak.  I must say that kitchen was foul!  The rain did give us one gift: Dad's time as he couldn't work in the rain and came to help us paint.  We used all Ace Paint and LOVED it.  The playroom is Banana Smoothie (and the office since we had a lot left over), one of the boy's bedrooms in Greenwich (that will need a second coat), Master Bedroom in Maple Sugar (that will need a second coat too).  Unfortunately we didn't get to the other bedroom that will be in a blue shade but there is a lovely hole that needed to be patched.

Horrible surprises included:
(1) Cleaning up the disgusting mold in the walk-in closet from a LEAKY shower!  The shower cannot be used as it leaks under the tile floor.  Hubby thinks the floor needs to be ripped up and subfloor replaced as well as the shower stall...ugh!  (2) Mom found a bubble in the middle of the dining room wall...what caused that?  (3) It was raining inside of our house...yes the chimney to the stove leaks.  Hubby thinks a chimney cap will take care of that.  (4) The icing on the cake is learning that the addition we wanted to extend the living/family room is going to be close to impossible because it is a load bearing wall and the height differential.  Ummm...why didn't anyone mention this sooner.  Poor Hubby is so aggravated and I don't blame him that family room is smaller than our existing one!  We could still club it in but the biggest opening we could easily have is a double doorway (great for conversations don't you think?).  However on a bright note I found a house on a nearby road that is our exact house (except the front door is on the side instead of the middle) and they have a clubbed in breezeway...nice to see what it could look like.

Maybe tomorrow I will get to clean those stairs and Hubby will get to go in the attic to see how our roof is faring in this yucky weather.

Special thanks to Father in-law, Mom, Dad, AJ, and Aunt Cathy & GG for watching those boys...boy did I miss them!

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1 comment:

  1. Again, you guys are doing such a great job! LOVE the colors you picked for the rooms so far. Cannot wait to see the blue suede. I am obsessed with blue! It stinks about the family room and some of the other surprises, but you have a great house coming your way! Chad and I love it!
