Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter Recap

We had a great Easter!

My favorite Easter decoration was the egg garland I made out of stuff I had around the house!

On Saturday we went over our cousin's house for Easter fun! 

Toby is a great egg-hunter, very focused gathering all the eggs he was allowed and then looking at his prize.
Jayden is the opposite.  He liked to find the egg, open it and then eat what is inside.  Only after his treat was finished did he want to look for another egg!

Triple trouble!

Easter Morning was very nice.
 The Easter bunny brought a few small treats (gummies, goldfish and chocolate pudding) and a few toys including a Noah's Ark felt playset for Jay and a children's bible for Toby- which we have been reading every night, we are over 100 pages into it already!

 Toby playing Paper Jams guitar and Jayden dancing!

Toby wrote "Toby Truck" all by himself!

Toby the focused egg hunter...
Jayden didn't have time for eggs when he was getting so much attention - but he did have time for chocolate!
And a little note on house progress - I hope to finish removing the wallpaper scraps around the door frame this weekend and begin sanding the dining room!  Last week around the Easter fun I was able to remove the little scraps from the edges of the base molding.  My goal is to get a coat or two of primer on this by the end of the month.

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