Monday, April 23, 2012

Crazy busy

We have been crazy busy...which I do not like!

Toby had strep throat and Jay is in full force potty training refusing to wear pull ups at night.  There has been lots of laundry!

We also finished the playroom (still needs paint on the trim).  Just a reminder - in the playroom we added a closet, hung a new light and got new carpet since the berber was starting to unravel!  It was nice because everything was paid for except the carpet install since we are still trying to save for the pool liner and water which is due May 1st.

The dining room has been mudded and sanded.  Yesterday I wiped down the walls removing any little tiny wallpaper scraps that have been missed.  I am so tired of remodeling!  Our goal is to get paint on the walls this week.

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