Saturday, May 5, 2012

oh baby!

This post is a hodge-podge of the past week.

I have been a busy bee - we had a baby shower for my girl, Kate!  
Finally we will have a little girl in our extended family...I am so excited!

In preparation for the shower we worked on the dining room.  Hubby mudded and I sanded and put one coat of paint on the walls.

My father in-law was able to put one coat of spackle/paint mixture to try to blend the newly secured sagging ceiling to the existing texture (see below).  Replacing ceilings are not in the budget - also we'd like to minimize drywall dust!

 We also got our new pool liner installed...I am happy to say we have this halfway paid.  Thank goodness - all this frugal-ness is starting to wear on me.  Hubby thought the pump was broken but luckily he got it working again...sounds like we'll be lucky to get a year out of it.


Today we went to baby L's 1st birthday party, the boys had a blast!


  Toby and I are reading this Bible each night...the only thing is that death, kill, die, hurt are continually repeated - I know why but geez can't we focus on the miracle stories instead?  Toby enjoys it and looks forward to this each night. 

What a big boy he is - Friday we registered him for Kindergarten.  In a few weeks he will be graduating from preschool - that time flew by!

On a sad note: I am mourning the loss of my once fully functioning oven.  Please mr. oven find it in your coils to continue to work until the pool liner is paid off and we can replace you.  I know your sagging broken door is dragging you down and you are tired of being tricked as we have pulled the cleaning handle to keep you closed - but we really need you to hold on.

1 comment:

  1. Pool looks great! Can't wait for that!
    Toby is growing way too fast and every time I look at his graduation pic on my fridge I tear up. :( Slow down buddy. And Mr. Oven.... please work for Mesa.
