Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Babies, babies, babies!  I know of three babies that were born this weekend - 2 girls and 1 boy.  What a special Mother's Day - especially for all of the new mommies out there!

My Mother's Day was more like a weekend not just a day.  Saturday I told hubby about a couple yard sales that I wanted to go to that were all on the same road and he suggested we all go as a family.  What a great idea!  The boys really enjoyed it - they took some money from their piggy banks but did not spend any and still had fun.  My main goal was to start stocking up on clothes and shoes for Toby. 

At our first stop we hit the jackpot. 
  • 2 pairs of snow boots
  • a pair of sneakers
  • sketcher water shoes (kinda look like crocs)
  • flip flops - Toby asked for these
  • a few pairs of pants
  • a couple shirts
  • a quilt that will make an awesome picnic blanket
  • a mesh closet organizer (for Toby's Monday-Friday Kindergarten outfits)
  • wooden toy car knobs
  • a table and chair set for the boys
  • a free stuffed doggie for Jay that he named Diane!  I was kinda weirded out about a yard sale stuffed animal - I wiped him off good and threw him in the dryer.  He still isn't allowed in bed with Jay - he sleeps on top the hamper!
  • Roxy purse
  • Total was under $20 
The second stop yielded Andy some tools - this is what he was after

The third stop was also GREAT
  • a pair of cushions for our chaise lounge chair $10
  • a chandelier for the kitchen that Andy spruced up with spray paint $15

I am in love with yard sales!  Too bad hubby has been working a lot of Saturdays - next week my Mom is going with the boys and I.  Stewartstown is having 2 community ones on Rt. 24.

After we got home I worked my hiney off finishing the dining room!  At this point we have officially finished every room in the house but the kitchen and upstairs bath.  Poor Andy had so much trouble hanging the dining room chandelier - but I love it!

Sunday Toby gave me a special pin for Mother's Day.  Mom watches the boys the days I work and she always makes sure they make something nice for me for Mother's Day.  I got so many complements on my pin.  We went to Perkins for breakfast - this is our tradition - it is yummy - and people stopped me to look at the pin!  Toby was glowing!

I have to say one of my favorite parts was the hat my mother in-law brought back from Disney for Jay...too cute!

Other Mother's Day pics:

Jayden driving Weston, my godson, around!

We had our annual Mother's Day cookout Sunday and got to eat in the "new" dining room.  We used a folding table and outside chairs but we shall soon have a new to us dining room set - a set - I am so excited!

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